Been surfing the net looking for clothes and accessories as usual. I stumbled across a Marc by Marc Jacobs necklace (pictured on right) that looks so similar to one of Karen Walkers signature necklaces. The Karen Walker bow necklace (pictured on left) is made of sterling silver while the Marc by Marc Jacobs one is only silver plated. I guess the quality is reflected in the price. The Karen Walker bow necklace will set you back $243 while the Marc by Marc Jacobs one is only $125, which is nearly half the price. Is it just me but does Marc Jacobs copy a lot from other designers? It seems like he does. I personally like the Karen Walker necklace much better than the Marc by Marc Jacobs one but if your on a tight budget I would recommend the Marc by Marc Jacobs one. Who wins this battle: Karen Walker vs Marc by Marc Jacobs?
Peace and Heart
Tarina xx
Photos: Courtesy of walkerandhall.co.nz and shopbop.com
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